GHPP’s Work Garners Recognition and Awards

During the last eighteen months, the Partnership’s cooperative efforts have been lauded by the Utah Heritage Foundation and the Utah Center for Rural Life. Established in 1966, Utah Heritage Foundation was the first statewide preservation organization in the western United States. Its mission is to preserve, protect, and promote Utah’s historic environment through public awareness,…


Church/Schoolhouse Restoration Complete

A four-month restoration of Grafton’s most famous historic building was completed in March 2000 and has significantly extended the structures life. Springdale, Utah-based contracting company Sun Design was awarded the competitive bid for the extensive stabilization and restoration effort of the then-115 year old pioneer-built edifice. The most noticeable restoration involved patching major cracks in…


Partnership Buys Grafton Property and dedicates conservation easements

Grafton’s future as a protected remnant of Utah’s pioneer and agricultural heritage is finally secure. Thanks to generous donations from many individuals and private foundations, three years of hard work by the Grafton Heritage Partnership Project culminated in the purchase of Grafton Property in and around the townsite that are crucial to Grafton’s future. The…


A Message From Partnership President Jane Whalen

It has been a pleasure for me to participate in the community of caring, dedicated people who want to save what is left of Grafton. This community stretches from Rockville to Los Angeles and St. George to Salt Lake City. Some of us are bound to this awe-inspiring and once-bustling pioneer town by family ties…
